#mbkislamic #Molanatariqjamel #TariqJamilOfficial

Assalam u alikum..!
This is a islamic channel .. our purpose to expose the beauty of islam & shariat specially sunnah Hazrat MUHAMMAD ﷺ ..

So if you like to get Islamic short clips & videos then subscribe this channel for updates..
MBK islamic http://bit.ly/3qWOoyT

Our More Videos..
funny story of Molana friend | Molana Tariq jameel | MBK islamic https://youtu.be/QO_rikWAKy0

Day Of Judgment | Qayamat | Qayamat ka manzar | Molana tariq jamel | MBK islamic | shorts https://youtu.be/YaFJe70vdX4

Beauty of Prophet MUHAMMAD ﷺ | Hamary Nabi ﷺ ka husan | Molana Tariq Jameel | MBK Islamic https://youtu.be/npFSnHdYvC8

Mola Ali (R.A) ka farman | Respect of Teacher | Ustad ka ehtram | Molana Tariq Jameel | MBK Islamic https://youtu.be/Z5boYfoIXis

Specially thanks for AJ Official for video..

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